Eulogy by Alex Restaino (Brother)



Inseparable Brothers


Christopher Michael Restaino:

My brother, my best friend and my hero all in one body.

He loved nature. One of my fondest memories is of me and him at a playground near where we were camping, and we had found a tarantula. I was scared because it was a big hairy spider; but my brother, being the big brave boy that he was, just went right over there and start looking at it, just because it was something that always interested him. This was just one of the times that he showed his love for nature. Another time was just last summer when we took a family trip to Europe and the thing he enjoyed the most was catching and releasing small frogs in the river. I did this with him and the joy in his eyes was beautiful. He taught me everything I know.

He told me that if he ever found out that I had been doing drugs or drinking then he would pound me! He was always there for me, kind of like a second conscience, he always knew what was right and wrong, even if he didn't always chose the “right” one. I always looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. For example when we were younger someone would ask us both a question and my answer would always be whatever my brother's answer was, even if I didn't believe in that. He was also like my own diary because I told him everything, even if it meant that he would be mad at me.

His main interest at this time in his life was forensic medicine. I remember coming home everyday after school and finding my brother lying on his bed, and I would sit down on his chair and together from 4:30 to 6:00 we would watch CSI. Every episode we saw, he would always sit there with this attentive look on his face because he was so intrigued. Last year for Christmas he even got CSI the board game.

His greatest accomplishment in life was becoming an Eagle scout and now just like an eagle he is soaring with the Lord at heights we can't even imagine.

I love you so much Chris!


Translation (Italian)

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Mamaw's EulogyElwin's Eulogy

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