‘re-thinking’ some of the parables … No.5




LUKE 5:36 And he spake also a parable unto them; No man puts a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old

For a man even to contemplate taking from a new coat to patch up an old one at first glance seems to be ridiculous. Assuming this man is sensible, his motive is great. First he sees the need of the old coat, which he really loves and is comfortable in. Secondly he sees that a new piece of material will meet that need. This man is ‘with it enough’ to want to see the situation corrected but ignorantly goes about it in a foolish way. This parable is a warning for all who read and hear its intent.


There was a clash between what Jesus was declaring and the old established law that the people of God strictly adhered to. Jesus was bringing a new ‘coat’ of moving and living by the Spirit of God. He demonstrated such a life-style for truly the Holy Spirit was within Him for the Spirit continually motivated, directed and spoke through Jesus . . . it was definitely a new covering in the eyes of these disciples. It also brought to light the fact that the law (particularly the ceremonial man-made laws) was now wearing very thin indeed and ‘flesh’ was showing through the old coat. A further picture is seen as the old coat representing the old covenant while the new coat is representative of the new covenant, which Jesus was introducing. 


For us today it is really no different. Many of us have been in the ‘Church system’ for a long time under the old-coat covering of the ministry or elders submitting to their ‘statements of faith’ and denominational constitutions (fancy names for ‘law’).  To the hungry and apprehended ones, such a life-style is worn out and ineffective and we are warned here by Jesus not to take a part of the new coat and try to blend it into the old ways.

The word translated ‘agreeth’ is from the Greek word SUMPHONEO which means harmonize. (We get our English word ‘symphony’ from it). Jesus says clearly that the old ways and the new way will not harmonize . . . so please review your situation and make any necessary adjustments such as discarding the old coat-covering.

Being in the new covenant, the Holy Spirit is our covering and He expects to be totally ‘lord’ in every submitted life and in every situation. It is in this way we shall see the mind of Christ operating without any hindrances from old brain-washings that show themselves as ‘ought to’, ‘should really’, ‘must do’, ‘they expect it of me’ and so on..

All the parables that Jesus gave are related to the Kingdom of Heaven/God for He came to declare His Kingdom in the earth. 



Look at Samuel of old whose mother made him a new coat every year for he was outgrowing his old one. Samuel grew, Samuel changed and so he needed a new coat

Joseph of old had a calling on his life to rule. His father made him a coat of many pieces or colours as an outward reminder to him of that calling. His half brothers (they were in the family of their father but they wore an old worn-out coat … as it were) could not understand God’s calling upon Joseph. There is a people within God’s people who have been called to be a part of the first-fruits company that will move entirely with the new coat as their covering.


To only accept a part of the new covering of the Kingdom vision while hanging on to the old ways of religion is as ridiculous as cutting into a new coat and using that new material to patch up the old coat! However, we are each one to remain in a teachable and receptive mode so that the new leading or coat will cover all of our fleshly thinking and be a reminder that we are called by the Spirit for a distinct purpose in Christ . . . creation is waiting for deliverers with a new uncut coat to come up upon Mount Sion.



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