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What does your speech consist of?
COME INTO THE ARK  Christ is with you in every processing!
CHRIST INTERCEDING TOWARDS YOU Listen to that still small voice within.
AGREED TO WALK TOGETHER  Genuine friendship/fellowship!
MANY ASPECTS OF OUR GOD His expression in us varies.
A NEEDLE FOR THE CAMEL God's stripping ... one strand at a time!
THE BUGLE WILL SOUND So never deny His indwelling presence!
'THE LORD IS NOT MY SHEPHERD!' or The Lord IS my Shepherd!
ONE NEW CORPORATE MAN The stepping-stones of encouragement!
RECOVER THE SIGHT OF THE BLIND! Truly see Him ... and His desires for you!
SWADDLING BANDS? Have you been wrapped in this prayer?
INCORRUPTION THEN IMMORTALITY  The mind renewed then His full life.
COALS OF FIRE UPON ONE'S HEAD! Never, ever be vindictive or judgmental.
OUR COVENANT RAINBOW Semi-circle or full circle?
WHAT HAPPENED TO ENOCH? Are you on the same path?
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF! Are you 'hard' on yourself?
DANIEL NOT ON THE MENU! Can the 'lions' around you see any flesh?
SHAKING HANDS WITH GOD You've got His Word on it!
SHAKE OFF BABYLON'S DUST! Not just the mud-packs!
IS DAD 'AT HOME' IN HIS HOUSE? The Lord doesn't rent!
