Genesis 2:7 And God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The Hebrew word for “life” is CHAYIM and that is in the plural. So two ‘breaths’ ... one for living and the other for speaking.

Adam/Eve failed and died because they lost the ‘Holy Breath’ whereby they spoke life in relation with God. From that time onwards they could only speak ‘life and death’ (good and evil) until in the upper room (John 20:21) Christ, having overcome death, came to the disciples and breathed into them and said, Receive ye the Holy Breath/Spirit (John 20:22) ... for the Greek word PNEUMA means SPIRIT, BREATH OR WIND.

From that point on, those ones could speak forth life again. The release of this life in words with spirit/breath is greatly enhanced by the baptism in the Holy Spirit ... Holy Breath.

The baptism in the Holy Spirit **(a personal Pentecost having receive a personal Passover experience) is for the Spirit of God in you to get hold of your tongue! Christ in you desires to have His control with His words flowing forth from His mind which Paul says we have! (! Cor.2:16). This will lead to those thus apprehended to do and be all that Jesus exampled for us. §

(**For further input see ‘re-think’ Nos. 17 & 18).