‘re-thinking’ some of the parables … No.13/6 of 9



NO PRESENCE   John 6:15-21



Verse 26 refers back to… ye saw the SEMEION … miracle-sign …


Jesus perceived that the people who were His ‘followers’, wanted Him to be their (individual) King to sit on an earthly throne in Jerusalem — seen by the whole world on TV. — He was not around!


Most fundamental Christians expect Jesus to come so that they can hail Him as ‘King of the Universe’. They will tell you quite freely about their ‘Soon coming King’ — to come again in the way that tradition has mapped out and their carnal minds have never thought of testing with the Word. They have not received any revelation, so they try to gain spiritual truths with educated, carnal reasonings — it just does not work!


Notice in these verses at the beginning


Jesus was just not available for their plans; He had gone to a higher place — in the Spirit — up a mountain, alone without any ‘flesh’ around.


The timing for this SIGN was at the end of one day and just before the beginning of a new day 4 The disciples went down to the sea, where most of them ‘felt at home’. They too, in a sense, were alone. THE PRESENCE OF JESUS IN REALITY WAS MISSING. They longed for Him to be with them where they were. Somewhat disappointed, expecting more somehow, they went into a ship — a fellowship — and purposed to move onto the other side of the lake. Their target was Capernaum where they would be able to REST.


They were well on their way — their own determined efforts had enabled them to make some progress. It was now dark; they were in ignorance of what was going on — spiritually blank! They didn’t know where Christ was, their vision was very restricted at this time, they were just able to see some vague outlines of the horizon. Is that all you see too?


(25) or (30) furlongs from where they started! That was some great progress. Yes, the (25) furlong point was past — spiritually they were truly FORGIVEN (= the meaning of ‘25’). A bit more determination and discipline was exerted and they were at the (30) furlong point — yes, MATURITY-(= the meaning of 30), yet even then the SIGNificance of what was happening didn’t enter their minds. Out there in the midst of a turbulent situation, the sea of humanity-(6) was pounding their ship. They were tired and somewhat scared. Do you think that they longed for the ‘rapture’ about then? A lot of Christians are expecting just that to happen when things get really tough! Then, nothing like they had expected, Jesus came. He was no longer afar off, He had come! Overcoming the waves of their boisterous situation, He was the man in the fourth dimension or fullness of Christ walking on the water towards them and their ship.



could well mean . . .

He was ‘ON TOP OF’ every turbulent scene — these seemingly boisterous, death-generating situations were under His feet. Remember when things look very bleak, God is in full control working all things together for the good of what He purposes in your life. God does not have a ‘PLAN-B’ because of how we see things!

Water of the Word – Ephesians 5:26 – The scriptures would NEVER be received by Christ as a negative condemning word. He was supported fully by the supernatural content and intent of that Word as an example for the disciples which includes us.

He was simply moving in that fullness realm which He came to demonstrate to us who are desiring to pass through the veil into the experiencing of the Holy of Holies where the throne is situated. We are called to LIVE, MOVE and HAVE OUR BEING IN HIM – i.e. to move supernaturally naturally! In all the darkness that was surrounding them, Jesus was just a silhouette and they were afraid not having been in such a situation before. He spoke and they recognized His voice — He didn’t need to give His name!


Oh the relief! Then (if He had not been recognized, would He have gone on by ?) they willingly received Him into their ship and an amazing thing happened! They were instantly at the next appointed place with Him. . . it was a new place for a new day which was shortly to break upon them.

They certainly had the right vision of where the next stop was to be, but they had to be shown that it cannot be accomplished WITHOUT THE VERY REAL PRESENCE of CHRIST. A genuine experiencing of His presence — not a claiming the fact by declaring it correctly and repeatedly, but a real experiential knowledge from a real and dynamic meeting with Him. His presence meant that they had His Word (He was it!) confirming their destination. Without HIS PRESENCE it would have been ‘tough rowing’! As soon as He was in their situation, in their FELLOWship, in their lives, His Presence brought them to their desired haven


Let us not embark upon any step forward from where we are at, until HIS PRESENCE is a reality. Jesus made a comment after that the people had crossed over the sea to be with Him again. (paraphrased) “Truly, truly, you seek Me for what I can give you to improve your humanhood and I have done just that. You did not know what I was really showing you!”

‘Labour not for ‘eating’ that has no life in it! Put forth a big effort for ‘eating’ that which will stay with you and bring forth eternal life. Such Word will be given to you from the Son of Man. It will be LIFE, HIS! Thus He has shown us that we too, as we enter into this new day, will need first to have such a word of Life working its purpose in us and then have the same word to pass on to others who are hungry for such EATING.

If you really want to know just how much God is working in you, then look to see just how much of that LIVING WORD you really BELIEVE! §


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