“Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?” (Job 38:12-13)

Job was in profound communion with his God, and was being challenged with facts and mighty works which were beyond him. “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. – When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” Among the questions proposed to Job came this one: “Hast thou caused the dayspring (literally the dawn) to know his place?” God was doing more than causing Job to recognize His omnipotence and His greatness, for underneath these questions God was also imparting revelation – there is a day, there is a dawn, and this day shall know its place, it shall know its proper timing, it shall know its position, and it shall perform its task and purpose.

There is a DAY that shall dawn, and when it does, it will shake the wicked, or all wickedness, out of the earth, and righteousness shall be established. It is the day of His kingdom. Such a day is more than a time element, for THIS DAY IS A PEOPLE. When they have been fully prepared, then shall their going forth, like unto the Son of God, be “prepared as the morning,” (Hosea 6:3). And they shall shine with His light and glory, “a light to lighten the nations.”

We have seen those “wandering stars” that have streaked across the horizon with their ministries, but their sudden blaze was not so much for the purpose of bringing others in orbit around them. All such “stars” will be plunged into darkness, for in that day HE alone will be exalted.

“To know his place” – literally, his place of standing. “So stand fast in the Lord.” (Phil. 4:1). Only as He is LORD of all in us, do we become one with His day, established there by His grace.

Ray Prinzing



Mrs.  Doris Prinzing
1130 Allumbaugh St. Apt 257
Boise, Id 83704-8700

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