October 28 - Daily Overcoming Devotionals: Ray Prinzing




“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17)

What is this boldness? The Greek word is “parrhesia” meaning: FREE UTTERANCE, and also translated as confidence. It means there is no stuttering and stammering because of a sense of inferiority and inadequacy. When we stand before His judgment seat, is it possible that we shall have this confidence, boldness? Yes! For when He has made us, “AS HE IS,” clothed us with the glory of Himself, the shame and humiliation of our old “self nature” will be gone, passed away as a dream in the night. Psalm 84:7 declares, “They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.” It is this being CHANGED from glory to glory, going from strength to strength, that will climax in our being able to stand before Him in confidence.

There is a state of equality, of being joint-heirs with Christ, which has yet to be realized and understood, but such revelation can only come out of that which is FULFILLED in a state of being, not out of theory and man’s doctrine. This is not a glorification of our humanity, nor something which the flesh can revel in, for it bespeaks the end of flesh and self, that we might be clothed upon with HIMSELF – hence the equality when we stand before Him, for it will be a manifold expression of Himself. Conformed to His image, a partaker of His divine nature, one in His will, spirit of His Spirit, we shall be “as He is.” No wonder there is boldness in the day of judgment. No fear of God passing sentence upon us, no trembling in inferiority, no groveling in shame, because we shall have CONFIDENCE, true free spokenness, blessed communion. True, there will always be that awesome reverence, the fear of the Lord, humility before Him, but without slavish fear, without terror, without shame.

“Behold, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” (1 John 3:21). No condemnation to us-ward in Christ, only that flow of love and full salvation which gives us this victory!

Ray Prinzing



Mrs.  Doris Prinzing
1130 Allumbaugh St. Apt 257
Boise, Id 83704-8700

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