SHEILA’S [J-A-T] TIDBITS  … No. 8         (April 2nd.  2015)

A dear friend recommended a book which I was able to find thru our local library. However I found it difficult to read.  Then I WAS REMINDED that I would often turn to the last chapter if the beginning of a book was not holding my interest.  When I knew the ending, I could then choose  to wade through the beginning chapters. That thought takes me to the verse in Proverbs 29:18  People without a vision perish ( = show much flesh).  If we don't know where we are going, why make the effort?

Wow! We are a mightily blessed people, are we not? With this wonderful vision of fullness of the Christ-life, it makes no difference whatever happens en route to the last chapter. Knowing the outcome, we are exhorted to  press through in victory by the Grace of God.  Our lives are a book to be read of all men.  The last chapter of our journey is already written on our hearts; however it is not yet published! Knowing the expected end, we simply say, “Thank You Father for your loving care in keeping us until that day when we arrive, 100% restored and as good as new in every department”.  I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ-Jesus.’   G.B.Y.