SHEILA’S [J-A-T] TIDBITS   No.24     (September 4th. 2015)


THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD (Proverbs 18:21)                                                                 Today we often hear of the power in the spoken word. God spoke and the world and all therein was created.  Jesus blessed two loaves and five fishes and they fed a multitude. We are made in the image of God.  In our early days of marriage, Ray would often SAY that he would like to live to be a hundred: then I would reply,Oh no! I would rather die young!    We had been counselled on the power of the spoken words and had renounced various curses affecting our lives but the phrase “I would rather die youngdid not ‘come to the light’ at that time.  You see, I did not fear dying for I knew it was just a doorway to greater glory but I did have a fear of growing old.  This fear came about because of several events in my early life as I saw my mother caring for the elderly and all I wanted to do was run a mile!  I AM REMINDED of accompanying her as she ministered to elderly women living in the slums of London.  I realize now she had amazing love for these women but then I was just horrified at their helpless state.  However many years later, our Father allowed me to go thru an experience when I had a very memorable conversation with Him.  I had been diagnosed with a melanoma on my arm and it had to be removed ASAP!  The gist of the conversation went like this:  Me + cancer, Lord, Why? I believe in divine health.  I do not believe I need to be sick.”  Father said: You cursed yourself.   “Me, Lord? I did what? We dealt with the curses.”  Father spoke, You used to say you wanted to die young.  If you want to die  young, you will die of sickness or accident.  I reacted, “Whoops LORD, I’m sorry. Forgive me ... I break the power of those words and receive blessing in place of cursing. Thank You  Father.  Now I don’t need the operation, do I?”  Father responded “Yes, you do, but you will not die but live to proclaim My glory”.   I have never forgotten this special conversation and dealings. I have an unsightly crater on my arm.  I laughingly tease questioning children by telling them that a shark bit me!!! Then I tell them the truth!.  All of us need to be constantly aware of our ability to create by speaking either blessing or cursing and know the effect that our words can have on those around us.  Father help us to constantly speak Words of Life and not death.       t.b.c.  

Blessings. Sheila.