SHEILA’S [J-A-T] TIDBITS   No.22      (August 24th. 2015)

OUR FOUNDATION (Proverbs 3:6)  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Very rarely have Ray and I disagreed about anything … we can freely discuss any differences and come to a satisfactory agreement. Writing about ‘our’ angels, I AM REMINDED of one disagreement! We had been traveling for several weeks in the States and were heading home to Canada. We were leaving shortly for England and thus hurrying to get home … Ray is like a ‘homing pigeon (like raising dust on a wet road ...Ha!). Earlier I had been impressed that we needed to backtrack to Flint, Mi. to see Basil, a needy young man (also to return his sweater he left in our car). Ray had eyes only for the Canadian Border!  What could I do but to quietly submit to him AND ask Father to bring about His Will. So here we are dashing round Detroit on a highway headed north, when quite suddenly without any warning, we both saw this DETOUR sign and following the sign, we were then on another highway. Looking for the End of detour’ sign which failed to materialize, Ray suggested that I look up the map to see where we were. Guess what?  We were headed right for Basil’s home town! We both laughed. We called him and he met us … it was very obvious that our meeting was a ‘divine appointment’.  Thank You Father. We don’t believe anyone else was detoured! The angels placed that detour sign just for us.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.   Remember you never leave Father’s radar!      Love Sheila

(Ray’s Tidbit: It never pays to ignore your spouse’s input!)