SHEILA’S [J-A-T] TIDBITS   No.17 …       (June 19th. 2015)

I had this quick email response to TIDBIT 16:  "HERE'S TWO PEOPLE WHO WERE GLAD YOU LEFT THAT BOX, "D & C”.

(Now back to Tidbit No.17 which is 16 continued). I was immediately reminded of the story of how David and Carla Evans met. We do not know all that our Father is working out when He changes our plans!  On leaving the mission, we called a few friends we had made outside of the mission. We had met David at a charismatic gathering and heard his story.

He was a young Baptist pastor in his first pastorate. He had recently received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and with the new anointing, he began preaching differently (with power). The ‘Church’ did not like it and he was like us, outside the box! We invited him to visit us in South Australia knowing we had a home to go to. Before long he joined us and together we began going to different charismatic home gatherings that we beginning to pop up all over Adelaide.

On one particular evening we arrived late where we did not know anyone. We were ushered into a large room where everyone was kneeling, praying. There were just three separate seats empty, so we simply slipped into them and entered into the flow of the meeting. There was a young lady sitting next to Ray who shared a short message. Ray instantly thought, “She’s the wife for David”. There was another pastor present, Graham Prior, and when his eyes lighted upon Carla, he knew she was to be David’s wife. Then I (Sheila) looked up and saw Carla and and knew she was to be David’s wife! David didn’t even notice her that evening but … nine months later they were married. Now over 40+ years later they are still our very close friends and a great blessing to us and many others.

David and Carla’s email response caused me TO BE REMINDED afresh how obedience to our Father’s revealings may change not only our own lives but the lives of others …


Blessing to each of you,  SHEILA.