Just-A-Thought  … No. 483  (January 15th. 2016)     Conversation series Part 3


(Psalm 50:23) Whoso offers praise glorifies Me: and to him that orders his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God (God’s answer and purpose in every situation) and ... (1 Peter 3:15) Be ready to give an answer to any man that asks of you concerning the hope within you the hope of the Kingdom without any apology or ‘watering down’ its authority and expectation.

        ‘aright = ("In a right way," "correctly," "going straight to the point," without error or deviation).

Whoso offers praise is a lifestyle.  The hope of the Kingdom has the expectation of change into ALL that Christ accomplished at Calvary.  Respect is empowered by love which leads into wise and upright thinking.  Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure,lovely and of a good report … think on these things (Philipp.4:8).  These things in your thinking will manifest into aright conversation; and your vision (destiny) coming into better focus.   t.b.c.

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