Just-A-Thought No. 470      (June 27th. 2015)

THE PRIVILEGE OF THE HIGH CALLING……..Part 1.                                                               In Revelation ...to him that overcometh those words written to those who are pressing towards the mark for the high calling in Christ Jesus …….(Romans 8: 22-23)   Something or someone is being brought forth; it is a hard place giving birth.  In a birthing the ‘head’ makes the way into the totally new world first, it sets the timing for the complete birth. The next part of the delivery is the shoulders that are first to follow the head. Their coming forth makes a way for the rest of the body to be birthed for ye must be born again into the fullness of Christ Jesus. Our redeemer-head ‘blazed the trail’ and the shoulders are the firstfruits company’ … and thus these overcomers will come forth first. This birth will manifest full restoration to the spirit realm bringing ‘perfection’ of each member** worthy of Christ’s resurrected corporate body --- with the calling to complete the purpose of God made in the beginning. (Romans 8:22)  For we know (do we really?) that the whole creation** (100%) groaneth and travaileth in pain (contractions are more frequent now) together (corporately) until now (Now = when you are ready to come forth”). The ‘head’ is Jesus Christ and He has already come forth with a new spirit-body. (23)  And not only they (the whole creation is included in the One Body (Eph,4:4) … some parts are less attractive than others, but all are truly necessary), but ourselves also, which have the first-fruits of the Spirit, (If one has the first-fruits … what are they groaning for?     Answer = something that we and they do not as yet have but surely desire it and it is the adoption)**. even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. (‘our’ is corporate and ’body’ is singular)(the Body includes every function right down to thoughts). we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting …Do you groan [have a deep yearning/desire]? What exactly are you waiting for?  (Romans 8:24)  For we are saved by hope and your “hope” is almost here.  Wait for that which you hope ... wholeness and fullness.    **The adoption includes Father's nature, Father's abilities and Father's resources. The result of truly being one with/in Him                                             

 (to be continued …)

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