Just-A-Thought No. 461    (April 24th. 2015)


WHO ME? … A KING? … oh help!       [Part 1]


(Esther 4:14b) … who knows whether you are  come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

God’s people in Esther’s time needed help in a big way. The call from the Lord  through Mordecai went out back then and it goes out today. Mordecai represents those who hear from Father and who are in tune in a positive way to ‘the Kingdom plan’ which the Bible calls ‘present truth’!  Esther was ‘the man for the job?  Esther did not believe in coincidences and she knew the sovereignty of her God. She was a vessel of faith which meant that she was prepared to go into new territory on behalf of the people she loved. A deep breath and …”If I perish, I perish” ...If I fall flat on my face, I am still going to accept my calling and speak forth at the right time. We follow the Pattern Son when He said, “For this purpose came I forth” (Gk. of Mark 13:34). We would say, ‘If I fall flat on my face, I will still accept my calling, my destiny”.  Do you know what is involved in being royalty?  Simply a genuine 100% surrender to your calling!  Simply no room for self. It is NOT “THE KING AND I” … IT IS “THE KING OR I” .... Heavenly response required! t.b.c.

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