Just-A-Thought No. 457     (March 17th. 2015)

BE POSITIVE & BE TRULY ALIVE 24/7 (Part 1 of 4)

(Proverbs 18:21) Death and Life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  The ‘IT’ being the lifestyle of negative (death) or positive (life) thinking and speaking. What is it that you desire to be YOUR normal?

The tongue (part of the body) always expresses the thought. It takes responsibility for all that is spoken… death and life, the good and the evil; the evil is everything that is not life!

It is not surprising that every word we speak is creative considering we are in the image and likeness of THE WORD (Father-God) who created all things. Every word uttered and/or thought has a source … it is either Christ or antiChrist (antiChrist simply means INSTEAD OF Christ … evil is the absence of life). Every thought is spirit and is created by spirit but has therefore a need for a body (your lips and sound-box) for it to become a word … breathed out and thus creative.

Your thoughts either come from your heart or your brain … researchers have found that both heart and brain have a separate intelligence.  Have a heart-to-heart prayer/talk with Father. Most pray from the  brain to God (seen by repetition of what ‘was’). No wonder the Bible speaks of heart and soul as being different. Thou shalt love the Lord the God with all your heart and all your soul etc. Heart equates with spirit whilst the brain relates to the natural or normal realm which, without help from Christ within is devoid of life. It is Christ dwelling in your heart by faith waiting to be called upon. Don’t forget this!        t.b.c.

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