Just-A-Thought No.456    (March 9th. 2015)

ARE YOU UNCONSCIOUS? or Are you fully awake? … cont.   Part 2.


(Romans 13:11)  And that, knowing the time, that now  IT’S HIGH TIME to awake out of sleep: for now is our (full) salvation nearer than when we (initially) believed.  

HIGH TIME is the latest possible time to get that thing done which is NOW.

When one is asleep, that one is not aware of anything (important and/or seemingly irrelevant … however don’t forget God’s “all” working together…) those folk are as one dead and it is dark there! (darkness speaks of ignorance). The shortest distance between two points is a straight line … if you are conscious, you will be enabled to see or hear what Father is saying to you. One can get lulled to sleep by being informed of present situations from the media and/or religious letter-word Babylon and, of course, ego.

(Exodus 23:13) And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect (see JAT 455): and make no mention of the name of other gods (anything that takes first place in your life or pushes the Lord into second place.) g.b.y.

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