Just-A-Thought No. 451 (January  28th. 2015)


(Revelation 5:6) And he said unto me, IT IS DONE. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Being He is the beginning and the end (both together become ‘NOW’)… that makes the beginning and the end the same, Right? That is true restoration, Right?

The beginning and the end … He is the SEED ( the corporate expression/nature of Himself is within the Seed … Jesus Christ) and the HARVEST (corporate release of Himself becomes the true corporate reproduction -- Christ-Jesus). This whole process is done and is given to us … we are called upon to believe what He has said and written. The domain of the king (kingdom) is within you… evidenced by that which cannot be hurt, be offended, be disappointed and so on.

REVIVAL IS NOT NEW! It is a re-focusing stepping stone to your vision. If you have lost your ‘first love’ then a renewing is called for … along with an expectation of it now becoming fresh and better. If you do not really know the King, then whose territory are you living (parked) in? Look at your surroundings … the people you relate to and share THE LIFE with … are you still primarily attracted to the natural (worldly) lifestyle? Who are you trying to impress? God says regarding your initial processing, IT IS DONE therefore enjoy and blossom in the kings domain. … the fruit of such will be seen in an increasing way. The Pattern Son’s life-style is a very good measuring rod.


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