Just-A-Thought No. 450 (January  21st.  2015)


New is Now and Now is New.  I believe that ‘new’ is better than ‘renewed’... If your renewal comes from your natural memory. Mostly that is why revival is the renewing of something that in the end fizzled out and did not fully work even though there was many blessings along the way!  (Revelation 21:5) And he that sat upon the throne (of your life) said, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. And He said unto me, Write: for these (written) words are true and faithful. Words when written can be read time and again so we don’t forget their content and can expect new insights! Keep journalling. So why, if you did, have you stopped reading your Bible which is a unique collection of 66 love-letters from our Father to us for our benefit, growth and encouragement. The Holy Spirit in us will teach us all things (John 14:26) and we will not need ‘man’ to teach us. Man can simply encourage us and we are thankful for all the inputs that Father has put into our lives … and He still is doing such. ALL THINGS NEW is Father’s vision for you so grasp it and believe Him. If something is new then you have not seen it before in all its facets.  The stigma of religion is hard to lose and spends a lot of the  time looking back … but God!         t.b.c.

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