JUST-A-THOUGHT    No.  414 May 29th. 2014

Do you relate to HAMAN at all or ESTHER? Part 5

Destiny relates to being ‘predestined’ which means “to have the mark put on you beforehand for a special purpose! So in God’s plan, Esther had the mark of her calling on her… or in New Testament terms, Esther was thus adopted.  First, we need to grasp the meaning of the word adoption’ in the Greek. It is HUIOTHESIA  and means THE PLACING OF A (mature) SON.  Each mature son is placed by Father with a special purpose = his/her destiny.

ENTER MORDECAI the Benjamite … the fearless, obedient ministry with a ‘present truth’ vision and placed by God (also adopted). Mordecai was ‘in the kingdom plan’ and all his earlier circumstances were ordered by the Lord so that he was in the right place at the right time. He was aware of what God was doing. It wasn’t a fluke! Seemingly Mordecai was pushed aside by religious-churchy Haman, {a popular fanatical “big-time TV ministry” (Channel 666!) who was looking after ‘No.1” and woe betide any who did not accept his way!}. Oh yes! Haman had a following which included a multitude of children (Esther 5:14)!  Mordecai was about the only one who did not bow-the-knee to “Hey-Man, how’s it going?- Haman desired to shut down (at least ignore) anything that portrayedKingdom Life’ in any degree and Haman ‘ran’ his own ‘show’ just like many do in this day? But Mordecai knew what he had to do … He fasted and prayed-out-loud … resulting in Mordecai and Esther being faithful to their ‘present truth’ (Melchisedec) calling and destiny. Do you ignore “kingdom” emphases?               t.b.c.

[For a deeper look at bible adoption, see http://www.godfire.net/rayknigh/adoption.htm].Copy and paste.

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