Just-A-Thought No. 402  (April 17th. 2014)




In ‘your garden- of-Eden’ mind, there are two trees of thought; one is the tree of Life which is Father’s word and thinking! The other is all your thinking and reasoning!  All thoughts when given breath (spirit) become words. God’s thoughts plus spirit-breath = life. Remember God is Word so everything that He does or has done is word manifested. God’s plan was to have communion using words with His ‘man’ hence he, the man, needed to be in God’s image and likeness thinking thoughts on the same ‘wavelength’ as Father’s without man interpreting! God’s words are spirit and life … no other sort could come from One who loves us so much! Science has proven that there is intelligence in the heart (tree of life) as well as in the brain (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) (Prov.23:7). Scripture tells us that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith not our heads! (Eph.3:17).  The heart in a human embryo starts to beat on about day 25 of life. Each cell of the embryo when created knows from the heart its function and where in the new body it is placed. The DNA in each cell comes from the heart’s intelligence. The scriptural references showing the heart’s control are just too numerous to list here. BELIEVING IS DONE IN THE HEART and such believing changes ‘things’! (Romans 10:9-10) Believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  SAVED FROM WHAT? The ‘head’ thinking passed down from ‘fallen’ Adam. Even the thinking that to us is ‘reason-able’!

The heart releases electro-magnetic-energy that is 5000 times stronger than the brain when one is not ‘hard-hearted’ -- (stubborn = “My mind is made up, please do not confuse me with truth!”).



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