Just-A-Thought No. 402  (April 5th. 2014)

AS HE IS SO ARE WE … that’s Bible! Right?

R-U-A-BELIEVER?   Part 3

(1 John 4:17)  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD … when?  … right now!

Jesus said; Where I am (now)  . Do you know where He is? IN THE SPIRIT in the realm called Heaven ... IN FATHER’s WILL ...IN FATHER’s LOVE … Jesus could say that because He knew and lived in the original pattern of oneness .. I and my Father are one. Adam fell from that oneness and created dualitydoublemindedness from which resulted in the lie of separation. Jesus (the last Adam) came and  destroyed duality and restored the/our relationship with our Father for he said, ‘I and my Father are one.’ Christ dwells in your heart (not simply visiting???).

DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THIS? So in this regard R-U-A-BELIEVER? … or an UNBELIEVER?  One or the other!  Father knows and that’s what counts! Right?  By the way, such belief leads to the perfecting of His love in/as us.  

Could the judgment be when Father turns His ‘spotlight’ on a particular unrighteous area in our walk? (J-A-T).
