Just A Thought


Ray & Sheila Knight


Just-A-Thought No. 400 (March 24th. 2014)


The question is ARE-YOU-A-BELIEVER? This question requires a bit more thought to answer than the usual question, Are you a Christian? … because not all who answer ‘yes’ to the second question are believers! Well, we live in a ‘Christian’ country, don’t we? Billy Graham once said, ‘Being born in a garage does not make you a motor-car!’ So we will stick with the challenge, ‘Are you a believer?’ That evangelist also said … surrender to God 100% and He will bless you a thousand fold … BUT do not expect any 500-fold blessings for 50% surrenders! The ‘bottom line’ is what you believe today will affect your relationships.

"Calling all believers" to believe! Let’s tackle the ‘who’ do you believe! Jesus the Christ … the anointed one, what is He to you? Right now do you believe that He is alive and well? Where is He right now? What do you believe concerning why He came to earth? Was it to bring salvation to fallen mankind? Was He successful? Was it to destroy sin and its effects of death?

Man fell out of harmony (oneness) with God and found himself in a position of dualitya ‘garden-of-Eden’ life-style of choosing the tree whose fruit was good or evil. Does the ‘good’ appeal to you more than ‘the life’ of life? t.b.c.


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