An excerpt of:

The Beginning


The End of All Things

Part 2


"The end of all things is at hand..." (1 Peter 4:7).


"The end of all things is at hand." Statements such as this could be somewhat disconcerting, especially coming from a man of authority, such as Peter. Most, however, skim over the verse without giving it much thought, while some may picture in their minds a rabble-rousing, loose-cannon type of eccentric religious fanatic racing through the streets like Chicken Little and crying out: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" "The end of all things is at hand! Repent you sinners; for the end is at hand!" We know, of course, that is not close to what the apostle was saying, nor was it the spirit in which his words were written. Notwithstanding, this has not prevented him, along with the other apostles from being under close scrutiny and criticism from the day they voiced the new doctrine in which they were called to preach. Quite a number of their claims have been questioned, and "the end is at hand" is one such point of question.....

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