An excerpt of:

The Beginning


The End of All Things

Part 1


"The end of all things is at hand..." (1 Peter 4:7).

From time to time quite a number of us have been puzzled by certain scriptures. One of those has been "The end of all things is at hand." The puzzle lies between this statement and knowing what the term "at hand" means; which is, near, very soon, close by, the hour is upon us, etc. Peter said that the end was at hand, and discounting technology and living conditions in many parts of the world, there has not been much of a change with things since those words were written nearly two thousand years ago. With this type of contradiction, we cannot help questioning the apostle's claim. If what he said was true, then why have we not seen the end of all things? How can we reconcile verses like this with what we see? Namely, man's rule has not ended. Tyranny and worldwide oppression are still with us. Sin, sickness, suffering, and death have not ended. Fragmented humanity has not ended. Creation is still shattered like a broken crystal. And the first Adam has not come to a full end. Therefore, with the evidence presented, are we at liberty to contend with the apostle's voice of authority and say all things have not ended? Perhaps so, but before we do, let us look a little further into the matter....

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