The Seraphim

(Part 1)

Pub. #88.97


"As for the likeness of THE LIVING CREATURES, their appearance was like BURNING COALS OF FIRE..." (Ezek 1:13). 

Fire, no doubt, is the single most important element in the universe. When harnessed, its power and diversity become unlimited. Not too many years ago few men could imagine fire being used for much more than warming themselves, cooking food, and making tools and weapons. However, when God entrusted another form of fire (electricity) to man — the world was changed forever.

Electricity was like a tidal wave of invisible fire surging through tiny wires and engulfing every phase of civilized life with a glorious new standard of living. For the first time man took the lightning bolt, as it were, bridled it, and rode it down paths of his own desire. It became a workhorse that served him well. What a wonderful thing God has blessed humanity with — fire.

But who has ever heard of living creatures like burning coals of fire? Sounds a lot like characters of a science fiction thriller, doesn’t it? What Ezekiel saw and wrote about is phenomenal, to say the least; yet his words are fanning and igniting the same flame in our lives, and it is not science fiction.

We first noticed these living creatures (the cherubim) in Genesis 3:24 when man was cast from the Garden of Eden. They were not living creatures at that time, however, for they were not yet transformed. We saw them also in the tabernacle, and now they appear in Ezekiel where they have been changed and come forth in full manifestation.

The cherubim in the beginning kept man from every fragment of God’s glory, while in Ezekiel they radiated with it. It staggers the mind at the journey man has made with these strange creatures — all the way from the outskirts of Eden, and back to the glorious throne of God.

It became clear in our five-part series, SECRETS OF THE CHERUBIM, how they are the principle thoughts and imaginations of man's mind, or imaginary figures, as the definition goes. Cherubim are so closely related to man that there is no way to see them apart from one another. At the very onslaught of his expulsion from the Garden, to his rising back to glory, they are with him.

In man’s pursuit of life the cherubim (his thoughts) are ever–changing, and as they change so does the man. They seem to be the inspiration that lies at the root of his inmost being, and from that root, of course, comes the fruit of whatever is conceived and nurtured. Solomon put the matter clearly: "...As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov 23:7). Please note, he did not say, "As a man thinks he is, so is he" — not at all, but "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Most of us, at one time or another, probably thought we were something we were not. When that happened, we often claimed it as an established fact when it was clear that we hadn’t even scratched the surface of our proclamations.

Impatience had much to do with our thoughts of having already arrived to this high place of distinction. We assumed and tried to believe the house had already been filled with the glory of God. During these times of delusion we often proclaimed it to be a fact, when there was no evidence at all. We felt it would never become a reality if we didn’t step out in faith and call those things that are not as though they are. What was lacking was enduring patience that would carry us to the end of faith where reality would swallow up the unseen faith.

If we have already arrived, if the glory has in fact filled each vessel, along with the corporate body as a whole, no one will have to proclaim anything. Don’t you think WE WOULD KNOW IT? And, no doubt, Israel (spiritually speaking) would also know something has happened. Remember. The sound of the cherubim’s wings were heard all the way to the outer court as the voice of the Almighty God when He speaketh (Ezek 1:24, 10:5). But to date, neither those in the Holy of Holies, nor those of the outer-court have heard such a message from the heavens. And secondly, the very fact that we must proclaim something ‘to be’ in order for it to become a reality is a testimony that we do not believe it is here. Brethren, such hyper-faith of ‘naming and claiming it’ will work no better than to presume God will give us a new Cadillac every year by doing the same. I’ve tried that type of ‘faith’, and I can tell you — it doesn’t work! There are certain results that come from the powers of the human mind when engaged by ‘positive thinking’; those things, however, should not be confused with the mind of Christ and the powers of His Spirit.

When the time comes, dear friends, for the glory and the cherubim to rise — THE WHOLE HOUSE OF THE LORD WILL KNOW IT! They won’t have to be told anything. When their former foundation trembles and becomes unstable in the awesome presence of the Holy glory of God — WE SHALL ALL KNOW IT!

The thinking that changes a man is not frivolous thoughts of the unregenerate cherubim. Such thoughts are still those that keep him from the tree of life rather than opening the door to it. Transformation comes by more than surface ideas. What a man thinks in his heart is deep, it is the core of his life. Whether of life or of death, they are his storehouses of grain, his clouds of rain, and the sun that gives the increase. It is his constant drive and sustenance. These thoughts are what bring forth the fruit after its own kind. These are the thoughts — godly or ungodly, inspired by God or inspired by man — that makes a person what he is. They are the cherubim placed in man and joined so tightly by the mandate of God that no one can put them asunder. What a union! What a marriage! Not made in heaven, but made in the dust of his heart, and it is made to last.

At one point in our journey we found ourselves in the Holy of Holies. It is here that our thoughts became Christ’s thoughts and our ways His ways; but this is not the end of our travels. Although the gold of God is a wonderful place to come to — there is more! According to Ezekiel there is a higher place yet, and it comes with the rising of Christ’s glory from the Mercyseat and filling the whole house. It is then that the golden cherubim also rise, and their words are heard as great waters, a mighty host of the Lord’s army (Ezek 1:24).

Until now we have known our Lord from the place of the Mercyseat and hidden from view. Those in the outer-court and wilderness of the world are oblivious to it. They can see no glory in our lives. This is obvious. There is nothing about us that anyone desires; for the glory is covered not only by the cherubim in the veil of their minds, but also by those of the curtains in our own flesh and human temperaments. The sacred glory of Christ is covered as it ought to be, and shall remain so until the proper hour of unveiling.

Not only is that sacred glory covered, even the garments wherewith we are clothed are not for everyone to see. Although some, we are sure, would like to parade before the world in them, God will not allow such holy things to be made common. He said in Ezekiel 42:14 — "When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the outer court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people." (Ezek 42:14).

Practically everyone in the world would love to possess God’s glory, but only when it does not cost them anything. If it is not gold tried in the fire, they possess it unworthily, thereby defiling it. When our image becomes a blazing firebrand, however, no one will want it, for those who even come near it shall be burned. In the likeness of fire we become a great threat to man’s kingdoms. Therefore, if he could, man would prevent the change — but try as he may, failure will be his fruit.

Herod tried to stop the Son of God from making His appearance 2,000 years ago, and failed. With Roman guards at the tomb, the religious leaders tried to stop His resurrection, and failed. From that time until now, they have attempted to prevent His coming in His people, and failed. The hour is swiftly approaching for His glorious appearing in His house, and they will fail again. He will appear mightily, and together we shall rise!

Well-meaning men cannot speed it along by trying to unveil themselves, but one thing is sure, neither can ill-meaning men hinder it. What God has determined will come to pass!

As surely as the barley cannot be harvested before the time, neither can man stop God from bringing forth His sons of glory when it is time. When the hour comes for a child to be born, it will be born — and likewise, the sudden coming of the Lord in His temple. When the time comes for the transformed cherubim to rise in the image of glorious fire — they shall rise! Simple and true.

We see a beautiful parallel to this manifestation of fire with the last trumpet of 1st Corinthians 15:52. This transforming message resounding as the voice of the Lord shall shake the foundation of every son’s temple (Isa 6:4). Everything of the old order, as good as it may have been, shall lose its stability. Their cherubim (their golden imaginations in the mind of Christ and they themselves) will rise beyond all things earthy. The image of gold they possessed while over the Mercyseat was glorious to say the least; but in a ‘moment and twinkle of the eye’ they will find a place in the heavens far above anything they had ever known, or could have imagined. It seems impossible for such a thing to be, but from the flame that is burning in our hearts we see things as never before, and we know it shall come to pass.

Paul spoke of the phenomenal change from the earthy to the heavenly in 1st Corinthians 15:49-55. And it comes when our vision changes (i.e., the twinkling of the eye) as a result of hearing a word never before declared. The last trumpet, the last message, will leave no foundation secure. With sudden action we will unload all our securities, as the word twinkling suggests in the Greek. With our eyes fix upon Him who is fire, we shall be changed into the same image — into living creatures of fire!

Many feel they are now declaring and hearing the Last Message; but if this is true — where is the change? We see the gold, but not the fire. Even the message we ourselves declare is not the Last Message. It speaks of the Last message — but it is not that message. If it was, we would see thousands sweeping across the land as a wave of living fire and transforming the world. But we don’t see it, yet. Many are waiting, like at Pentecost, for the tabernacles of their bodies to be changed. Be reminded, however, this change comes when the Last Trumpet is sounded. It is more than believing and waiting for it happen — it comes by HEARING!

Ezekiel’s vision concerning the absolute change of the cherubim, the sons of God, is recorded in verses 13 and 14 of the first chapter of his book. It speaks volumes when we see it by the Spirit and how it applies directly to our lives today. After the cherubim lifted from the Mercyseat, he saw them no longer as gold, but as FIRE! Finally, praise God, we come to the full manifestation of God’s image — WHO IS A CONSUMING FIRE! (Heb 12:29).


"As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire... (Ezek 1:13).

The above verses speak of the Fruit of Fiery Seeds sown a long time ago. Very early on in the scriptures we are left with a principle — that every living thing has its seed within itself, and it yields fruit after his own kind (Gen 1:11).

This principle of life is relevant and true on every scale — from the one-celled amoeba to God Himself. Grass has its seed in itself — and yields fruit after its own kind; cattle has its seed within itself — and yields fruit after his own kind; and God, WHO IS A CONSUMING FIRE, has His Seed in Himself — and He brought forth the fruit after His own kind.

In the beginning Adam was a light bringer, a light bearer — the son of the morning, if you please (rf. Isa 14:12). He was in the image and likeness of God, and was commissioned to take that likeness (light) to the world. Before he began his journey, however, he fell from the heavens of Eden, as his glory faded beneath his coat of skin and the cherubim by which he was covered.

In order for Adam to be called a light bringer, he would have to possess the character of light, hence, the image of God who is light. And light he was! Every fiber of his being shone with God’s glory, inwardly and outwardly; but his expulsion from the Garden ended his shining.

Nevertheless, that coal of fire lies deep in every soul, waiting to be rekindled and once again for man to abide in the heavens of Eden from whence he was cast. This time, however, it shall endure all temptations — for the Spirit is that of the Last Adam and not the first Adam.

Can any of us forget when we were kindled and the flame of glory rose alive in our hearts? For some it may have developed more gradually rather than a burst of light as it was with others. Nonetheless, there was a time when the fire of God was stirred and set afire our sleeping souls.

From the letters we receive there is growing evidence that the fervent flames have died in many churches, fellowships, and individuals alike. If you happen to be in that company, don’t give up hope — for the flame of God is eternal. If it has been sparked — it will come forth again in due season. Let me share a moving vision taken from Thomas Wyatt’s book, THUNDER BEFORE DAWN:

"Just before we went to Africa, God came to me in a vision. In it I stood where I could view the whole world, and it was wrapped in darkness. At times I could see great fires springing up on the surface of the earth and the people would gather around the fires to warm themselves. Then, as I continued to watch, fires would break out in other places. But without exception, after a large group would gather around the fire, little evil-looking figures came out of the shadows. Those who were gathered around the fire were so occupied with rejoicing that they seemed wholly unconscious of these little figures. But, from where I stood, I could see these shadowy figures as they came silently out of the surrounding darkness. I noticed that each one was carrying a little, engraved shovel. These, they placed in the hands of each one who stood around the fire. In the immediate vicinity, I could see where great fires had burned in bygone days, but had long since burned themselves out, leaving only great heaps of ashes.

"As I watched, each of those around the fire would go over to the ash heap, fill his little shovel with cold ashes; then, with much dignity — as though faithfully performing a solemn duty — they would scatter the cold ashes very carefully over the fire. This they continued to do until the fire was completely smothered and dead. They then knelt in the ashes and prayed for light and warmth. This procedure was repeated over, and over, and over. The world began to grow darker and colder, and the men continued in their efforts to extinguish every fire, here, there, and everywhere....

"All the fires had long since died out, and the people were weeping and wailing as they prayed for light and warmth. My heart was deeply stirred and I began to pray with a fervency that can only be born in the darkness of the world's Gethsemanes. Then I became a part of the scene, kneeling in the ashes. No longer an interceding observer, I prayed even more fervently. I stood to my feet and lifted my hands and my face toward heaven. I began to cry with great agony of soul. Louder and louder I lifted my voice, in frantic desperation, until all the other crying around about me was merged into my own desperate cry.

"As I stood there, calling unto the Lord with all the anguish of my soul, I saw a light, ‘way, ‘way high in the heavens, just a speck of light. It began to come closer and closer, and then, suddenly, it stood by my side — a celestial Being of FIRE. He was formed like a man and yet he was a Being of fire. In his hand was a trumpet of fire which he handed to me saying, 'Blow!' I stood transfixed, overcome with awe! He placed the trumpet to my lips; I breathed into it, and Lo! The sound was amplified until it reverberated over the countryside. As I continued to blow, the creature of fire leaped into the ashes and stirred the smoldering embers until the flames leaped high into the sky. I was now blowing the trumpet louder and louder, and people began coming out of the darkness from every direction. The light from the fire seemed now to light the whole earth, and, as the people gathered, they began to march past the fiery messenger. He stood in the flaming fire, and, when they went by, he would give to each of them a trumpet of fire. They, in turn, would put it to their lips and start out across the earth, blowing with all their strength. As they went, fires were lighted everywhere. It seemed as though the very tones of the trumpets were lighting fires, sending a great wall of flame rolling across the earth. It was consuming everything in its path — burning everything as it went. As I looked, I thought, 'What desolation! What desolation! Everything that we have known is gone.' Then it began to rain, a slow, gentle rain.

"As I watched, vegetation began to spring up — grass, green herbs and trees, and every tree was loaded with fruit. Everything was fruitful, there wasn't one thing twisted, warped or barren. I turned to speak to the messenger, but he was gone. Yet the whole world remained beautiful and serene. The warfare was accomplished, the Kingdom of God had been established in the earth, and peace reigned. The long night was over, and morning had come." — End quote.

I believe we all can relate to some degree with the above vision. Remember when there were churches and home meetings like wonderful bonfires of life? It might have been in a gathering of only two or three, or perhaps it was with a hundred or more. Regardless of the size, those meetings were places of warmth and light. Other meeting places across the country would spring up, seemingly spontaneous with no one laboring to get things started. But to our dismay, and almost without fail, the life of those meetings eventually waned and died.

Unknown to the ones gathered, they were very instrumental themselves in causing this; for as the vision depicted, there were those little evil things of darkness that placed engraved shovels in their hands with which to smother the flames. In one sense these shovels represent man’s spirit and word together as one. Such a union of thoughts could only come from the darkness of the human heart, from whence every evil thing is born and proceeds (Jer 17:9, Mat 15:19). They are so quiet and subtle they usually go unnoticed. As in the beginning, the engraved cherubim of the flesh keep the way of God’s sacred glory.

The heart of man harbors every creature and can conjure up all sorts of imaginations. It is out of this darkness that such evil looking creatures come with subtle thoughts to work things out. Men, of course, will embrace products of their is own making, whether of good or evil. When these evil-looking figures with little shovels of engraved instructions were placed in the people’s hands, they performed accordingly.

Religious thoughts are hard to ignore, aren’t they? They go deep, and when put into action they are the tools that smother the flames of life. When spiritual people cease to progress, they will settle for the status quo. The fire, of course, will diminish, and the little workers of darkness are quick to supply the supposed solutions. Following the engraved inspirations of their own minds, they go back to what they used to work — the revivals and revelations of yesteryear. With great religious dignity, they scoop from those ash heaps what used to be alive, hoping to rekindle their old glory.

It is no wonder the cold and unenlightened people of the world today are reluctant to draw close to the saints and their meeting places. If there was an abundance of life and warmth to be found it would be different. The sad truth is, there is hardly any. What was once a lighted world, with the fires of the Lord everywhere, has grown very dark and cold. This has caused more than a few to fall asleep in Gethsemane and to be scattered by the imaginations of their own cherubim.

However, there are still those who are sincere in the Lord, and regardless of the circumstances, they press on, never giving themselves to the delusions of such mental persuasions. Are we not among them, and do we not also cry with them as one voice? — "My heart is fixed, O God; my heart is steadfast...Awake, my glory, awake...I will awake right early [I will awake the dawn]! Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth." (Psa 57:7,8,11 Amplified). Although ashes of bygone days may have been shoveled upon the fires of life, we are not running off on tangents. But in unison and with lifted hands (surrendered), we are entering into great travail and agony of the soul (brokenness), and praying with such fervency (desperation) that it stirs the very heavens of God.

Individuals may have been in travail for quite sometime now, and with no apparent results. Nevertheless, I believe others are beginning to realize the seriousness of the hour and are hearing those distressing cries. They are getting louder and louder, and our own voices are starting to lift in anthem with them in this great time of need. This will surely continue on until all the other cries about us are merged into one desperate cry.

This is when we too, with uplifted hands, eyes, and voices, will see a tiny speck of light high in the heavens of God descending until it stands with us as a glorious celestial Being of fire. In this darkness that has shrouded the earth like the shadow of death, we will certainly not despise those seemingly insignificant, distant specks of light coming from above. We will not ignore our Lord's presence within, nor will we dismiss the anointed word of lowly people in obscurity, nor scoff at small revelations — for these things are Christ Himself descending as a refining fire. Yes, it is He who will be placing in our hands His FLAMING TRUMPETS to sound over the face of the cold and dark earth.

If we think we have had a word before, just wait until the fiery trumpet of the Lord is placed to the lips of those in travail. Transfixed and overcome with awe at the glory of their Lord, they shall sound, and His word will be heard reverberating from their once travailing lips. It will not be as it was before, where little evil figures came out of the darkness with instruments of slow death in their hands. But this time, it will be the once-forgotten saints gone into seclusion, and they will come from every direction to the fires stirred by the heavenly Anointing. The smoldering embers will once again grow to a blaze of glorious light. This time, however, it will be different from before, for the people will not be standing idle around the fires, keeping the light and warmth to themselves; but they will cast the ash-laden shovels aside and in their place take up the flaming trumpets of the Last message. Proceeding then into the night, they shall triumphantly sound judgment over the face of the earth like a rolling tidal wave of death — yet this death is the death of death. It shall bring to naught the works and pomp of every man, as it establishes the glorious Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Yes indeed, the sound of the message born in travail and great despair, and the stirring of Fire from heaven, will draw the elect of God from the seclusion of this present dark night. Their flaming message will judge the world and bring them all to a godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation (2 Cor 7:10). From there they will possess the fruitful knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As this mighty army of God marches forward, sounding their trumpets louder and louder, the blazing flames shall advance upward and onward, even beyond the horizons of our own expectations, until the purging fires of God cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. Praise God — what a glorious wave of fiery Life and Holy justice!

Elwin R. Roach

Seraphim Directory

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


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