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The Pathfinder, Elwin & Margit Roach, PO Box 4004, Alamogordo, NM 88311-4004

The Apocalypse

Publication #219.10

The Day Of The Lord

(Part 3)

I Heard A Voice Behind Me


"I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet..." Revelation 1:10.

We can see here that it is necessary to be in the Spirit of Christ to hear His voice, and in this case the message was as a trumpet heard from behind. Since it was from behind, we can rightly conclude that the voice of the Lord came from where it was not expected. If John had been expecting it, I believe he would have already been turned and facing that direction.

Here is a man who had walked with Jesus for three and a half years, and was most likely the closest to Him of the twelve. And surely, in heart-rending helplessness, he witnessed the betrayal of His Lord by a friend. He heard the false accusations as Jesus stood defenseless before religious and court powers. The torment would not stop, but increased by the hour. John saw Him scourged, humiliated, nailed to the cross among thieves. Helplessly, John agonized over the torment of the torn, naked body as his Lord drew His final breath and said—IT IS FINISHED! He was also there after His resurrection, walked again with Him for forty days, ate fish with him, and watched in amazement as He ascended from view. He was also at Pentecost to receive His Lord's Spirit ten days later. John was part of the vanguard that turned the world upside down. What more could an apostle of Christ receive that could possibly exceed that resume? But there was more to come, much more! And he quickly knew some of what it was after he heard His voice from behind his normal, settled-in routine of serving the Lord that He knew and loved so dearly. It was certainly His voice; but he had never heard it so terrible, so fearful, so consuming.

When the Day of the Lord began to dawn, his own was turned upside down. Until the one spoke who identified Himself as the Alpha and the Omega and said to fear not, he could not stand. His glory was too much for his natural man. And so shall it be with us. Neither will we be able to stand in our own might when the apocalypse of His Day breaks over the summits of our souls, and I am sure we will be looking toward the west as He comes out of the east. We may be looking for His appearing as many saw Him go, or other manifestations that we have assumed.

It is only natural to look for Him in the opposite direction of His new appearing; for we cannot turn our attention to something we have never known, or had entered our minds. Therefore, as it was with John, we will most likely be looking to another day, the day of which we are familiar. We may be expecting His coming to be in the manner of our doctrinal persuasions, according to the views we've had for many years. We may be looking for His appearing in His Day as we have been taught about feast days, holy days, sabbath days; but we may be in for a surprise, which is not unusual when it come to spiritual matters versus religious matters. And, yes, we can be religious too. It's just not as apparent as it is with a lot of the others; but praise be to God, His sunshine has a way of lighting up things that cause us to push our once proud faces into the dust of the earth in shame and reverence.

Until the Day of the Lord breaks forth and shines in our hearts, and we hear His voice trumpeting from behind; some will look to the Lord’s Day as being a day to go to church and sing, worship, teach, and to learn that which is being taught. They may also call that day the Sabbath. Although those days can be very special and beneficial, not one of them is the Lord’s Day or the Sabbath.

The Lord’s Day is a time when the earth and heavens are severely shaken, while the Sabbath is a day of rest in Jesus Christ wherein all things are unto Him. It is not one of the seven days of the week. During the day of the Law when the tabernacle was built according to pattern given to Moses, the Sabbath was a figure of that to come. It was a type, a shadow. It was an ordinance, a ritual, a service performed by the priests of Israel that pointed to a spiritual reality. That service, of course, was when the priests ministered to the LORD. It was not a time to draw the people together to hear sermons. The Sabbath was not a weekly event of preaching and teaching in the outer courts of the Tabernacle or of the Temple. It was not what we might call church as usual. It was holy unto the LORD, and it prefigured the true Sabbath!

There were two Old Testament kinds of worship, and they both involved sacrificial offerings. One was the Mosaic worship as recorded in Leviticus. It was solemn and silent. The priests were not instructed to say or sing anything. It was not the same with the Davidic worship of which song and music were very much a part. (rf. 1 Chronicles chapters 15 and 16). Song and instrumental music were strongly emphasized. Sacrifices were still performed and conducted by Zadok and his priestly house, but unlike the former, the Davidic worship was a time of excitement and praise (1 Chronicles 16:41-42). The Levitical Sabbath had the undertones of death, for their sacrifices signified horrible losses. Praise, however, was the spirit of the Davidic worship, and whether somber or jubilant, neither was called the Lord’s Day.

The Sabbath was made for man, for him to rest, to cease from his works. It was a day when the toil of human efforts ended. The blood of atonement could not be had by the sweat of man’s face. This was a time to give unto the Lord one’s life, a man’s most prized possession, and was signified by the sacrifices. The Sabbath was for the purpose of the priests to minister TO the LORD, not to the people. It was holy TO the LORD. The sacrifices and offerings symbolized the confessions of the people’s sins and laying down their lives in death (the penalty for sin). It was in death that the LORD met with the people, yet death was not the end. This was not when His communion with the people ended.

Praise God—there was more! There was a counterbalance to the communion of death, namely, life! He not only met with them in death but also in life, in the victory of resurrection! Can we not see that this communion of life was symbolized when the ark of the covenant was returned? And don't we remember that He inhabits the praises of His people? Surely so: "Thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of Israel." Psalm 22:3.

Whether in life or death, the LORD met with the people on the Sabbath; but it was not an occasion to socialize, to preach, or to teach Sunday school or Sabbath school. For such things came later with the Jewish Synagogue practices to which Israel had grown accustomed. These customs were brought with them from their captivity in Babylon. And in 312 A.D. Constantine framed the State Church which was structured after his elite Roman army, and as with the order of the Synagogues continued, most churches still hold to Rome’s form of hierarchy.

We would be hard pressed to see anything of the Jewish synagogue practices, or the present day order of Christian churches, as having to do with the Sabbath, especially since there is no Tabernacle, Temple, or sacrifices. But sadly, this is what the Sabbath has come to for most—a date on a calendar that was devised by one of the Roman Catholic popes who was far removed from Israel's Sabbath Day of rest. They fail to see the Sabbath sacrifice of the pure, undefiled, spotless Lamb, the unblemished Jesus as the full payment of the universal debt of sin. So many focus on calendar days as the Sabbath and fail to see the holy offering unto the LORD that would be taking away all the sin of the whole world, even the sin of the people who crucified Him.

They, of course, were unaware of it; but this did not stop them from presenting the true Passover sacrifice in order to be freed from their sin. Not only did His blood atone them, but they were forgiven; for He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." And since His Father always heard Him, they were all forgiven, including Judas, of course, who was the first to present him to be bound and sacrificed.

Some will not believe this, and by taking this stand, they are in effect saying that God sent the wrong man to die for all. They do injustice to His grace and infer that the sacrifice of this Lamb, His firstborn Son, failed in His mission of being the Savior of the world, and they do spite to His priceless blood. By believing Jesus did not atone and forgive to the uttermost that day, and will not save to the uttermost today and beyond is to believe that it was really not God’s will to save all. It is to believe the apostle Paul lied, or at best, missed the point when he made those statements: "Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 10That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: 11In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will." Ephesians 1:9 -11, and "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4.

If any of you are offended that I have quoted this immutable fact, please find resolve in your souls as to what the truth is; for I cannot apologize for agreeing with the apostle of Christ Jesus. There is a time, and today is one of those times to be forthwith, to speak plainly, to not skirt a matter of such utmost importance. It is time to know, truly know, why Jesus came and died, and to know that He will finish that which He was sent to do!

As I mentioned before, mankind was represented that holy day by those who cried out, "Crucify Him! Let His blood be upon us and our children!" God granted their request and accepted the unblemished sacrifice that they had offered to Him. His blood was put upon them. It covered them all, including Judas Iscariot, and their children, and all their children's children from that day forth, even unto all the ages and all men everywhere and at every time. Isn't it great to know that?

This was the Sabbath! That Day was kept Holy! It was the most holy day to have ever graced this sin-ridden world. And even at that, it is still not the Day of the Lord! The Day of the Lord is a day of judgment, of darkness, of destruction that comes by the hand of the Almighty. It is a day of fire and desolation! The Lord’s Day is when the sun and the moon are darkened. The glory and power of kingdoms and religions are taken away, and the stars withdraw their shining. Every faction of Judaism and the Church system will fail. Their figureheads, world-class men, women, and organizations (inwardly and outwardly) will lose their luster. The Lord and His many membered body will roar from His throne. Out of Zion will come the voice of His trumpet. It will resound from the corporate body of New Jerusalem. The kingdoms of the heavens and the earth shall be shaken again as they were in times past, but more so we are sure.

But how will this be? Will God again raise up prophets like Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Zephaniah, and Malachi? Maybe, maybe not. But for certain His voice will trumpet a sound that will slay the carnal man, humble the proud, lay flat all his good and evil works, topple his grand edifices, and consume by godfire his religious and political kingdoms. His word will be heard. It will come forth with a shout, in unchained wrath, as earth-shaking lightning that tears the heavens from the east to the west! But His voice will not be thundering from the prophets of old. Nor will it come from ravenous lion-like men who only seek to devour, kill, and destroy. That particular day of the Lord is history, as it has been with others. They have come to pass to make room for the new Day, this Day! It is the Day of our risen Lord Jesus Christ! It is the Day of wrath, not only of the Lion, but also of the Lamb. Judgment and Mercy shall meet and become one. That which is wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove shall kiss to bring redeeming judgment into the world. And now we say in great expectation with our Lord: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10.

Keys To The Kingdom Of Heaven

How do we suppose the will of God in the heaven can become His will in the earth? Do we merely pray that simple prayer, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?" And then, do we set back with a bottle of Bubble-Up and a bowl of Rainbow Stew and watch it come to pass? Or do we organize worldwide campaigns with all the major churches and gather tens of thousands into football stadiums and convention centers, and then do we have them all to "agree" in prayer that God’s kingdom will come and be set in the earth? We might think that the mega churches of the world, and maybe the Roman Catholic Church, would have some sway with God, especially since the latter says that Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and told him that whatever he bound or loosed on earth would be bound or loosed in heaven. Or did He? Did Jesus give the keys only to Peter, and did He tell him that whatever his word bound and loosed on earth would then be done in heaven? Hopefully, you are questioning this, and it should be questioned; for if we read a couple of chapters further on (Matthew 18:19) it is made clear that anyone who qualifies will be given the keys. It should be obvious to anyone who can read that the other disciples were given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven as well. They were told that they would be able to bind and loosen as well.

Let us notice the verse concerning Peter’s role with the keys to the Kingdom of heaven: "I will give unto you the keys to the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19.

We understand that keys speak of that which locks and unlocks things, and whether it is locked or unlocked, no one can reverse it unless they have keys that fit the locks. These keys represent God-given authority and power to the one receiving them. This verse seems to say that Peter was given total authority in the heavens and the earth. It also appears to say that whatever he utters from his mouth that the heavens must surrender and bow to the apostle’s word. For that matter, many have believed that they held those keys in their hands, and this is surely why so much abuse has been seen. People have bound, loosed, named, and claimed on the earth just about everything under the sun. They have attempted to hold God hostage by His own words, to make sure it was sanctioned and endorsed in heaven.

Such ignorance, and sometimes arrogance, should grate against anyone’s spirit who knows anything at all about the word of truth. For you see, the manner in which the King James translators rendered this verse, and also the translators of Roman Catholic’s Douay Bible, it is giving the footstool complete authority over the throne of God. If we insist on keeping the verse as it was rendered by these translators, it would then be Peter, or anyone else who might possess the keys to the kingdom of heaven, who called the shots. For instance, whatsoever a person chose to do, whether it was Peter, the other apostles, or someone today, God would supposedly be committed to the words that Jesus spoke to Peter. If this scenario were true, we could go to the hospitals and empty every room and bed. All we would have to do is to bind the diseases and infirmities, and loose the healing life of Christ in their minds and bodies. That which we should bind on earth would have to be bound in heaven. The one on the throne in heaven would have to bend to the ones declaring from the footstool of the earth, even if it was not time nor the mandate of the King. The fact is, anything and all things that we attempt to do that is not the mind of Christ is nothing more than kicking up dust from the footstool of the earth, and being that our natural origin is that of dust, we are very adapt at kicking up dust.

However, dust kicking ends when Matthew 16:19 and 18:19 are translated properly. Everything is turned right-side up and stands as it really is and as it has always been regardless of man’s meddling with the truth and sensibility. The Amplified Bible, among a few others, approaches this verse with scrutiny which lends to much more accuracy:

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven." The Amplified Bible.

Can't we now see the proper chain of command? It is from the top down rather from the bottom up. The privates, corporals, and sergeants of the U.S. Army do not make administrative decisions on how a war is to be run and then expect the commanders to blindly act on every request. If that is the way it worked, we might be justified in assuming the Throne of God would fulfill every beck and call of every man and woman who ends their prayers in "Jesus’ name." But with understanding simple truths and protocols, we know such is no more conceivable than to think General George S. Patton was waiting for the troops in the trenches to send him messages as to what he should do to win the war. Frankly, that tank don't track. Moreover, even when another General, Douglas MacArthur, persisted in telling his Commander and Chief, President Harry S. Truman, how to proceed in Korea, HE WAS FIRED. It boils down to this: whether of earthly matters or that of the heavens— THE FOOTSTOOL DOES NOT TELL THE THRONE HOW TO RUN ITS BUSINESS! PERIOD!

The footstool does not bind things! The footstool does not loose things! But whatsoever you bind on that footstool has already been bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on that footstool has already been loosed in heaven. "Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool...saith the Lord..." Acts 7:49. That is the chain of command. It proceeds from the top down rather than from the bottom up. A first grader knows that basic principle, so why can't Popes and ecclesiastical heads of renowned churches worldwide know it? A severe case of spiritual blindness, no doubt, and I am sure corporate power plays a big role.

The chain of command, whether in the kingdom of man, the kingdom of religion, or the Kingdom of God—the origin of power and authority always comes from above and not from below. It comes from the throne and not from the footstool.

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10. The one who sits upon the throne has charge of the footstool of the earth, and those who abide therein do His walking and bidding. If he feels to stretch His legs a bit, without effort He kicks the footstool out a space or two. If He wishes to draw them in, He pulls it in. Moreover, if He chooses to walk about the throne room, courtyard, or the city, He does so without the footstool ministry having a word to say about it. Everything that the King does, says, or wishes can be declared to the earth, and it will come to pass; for it has already been done in heaven. Is this not clear? Hopefully it is.

Again, it is the throne that rules the footstool! It is heaven that rules the earth! The earth does not tell the sun how or when to shine, but it is the sun that determines how the earth fares and grows. It is the sun that determines ice ages and global warmings. Men of politics and science may kick up a little dust and say that mere men are the ones who are warming the earth; but the sun has always been its commander and always will be.

Notwithstanding, with the way Matthew 16:19 was translated, and how it has been applied, many ships have been wrecked upon the rocky shoals of those rock-hard, erroneous doctrines. For one, the "Faith" doctrine has marooned countless thousands upon the empty beaches of despair when that which they named failed to materialize. They were sincere, but sincerely unaware of the truth, as they were led down dry paths of futility. Their beliefs and practices failed. They did not, and some still do not know that the footstool neither binds nor loosens. So sad for them but so true.

It seems to be a foreign thought to some that everything Jesus did originated in the throne of heaven, and not up there in the sky, of course, but up here, in here, in the heavens within each of us. It already was before He spoke and brought it to pass upon the earth. When He prophesied, healed the sick, cast out demons, and raised the dead—it was done first in heaven, in the throne, in the spirit. He saw those finished works, and all He had to do was to declare them at the proper time. And so it is with those who are seized, caught up, and found to be in the Apocalyptic Day of The Lord.

Now that we understand and know who we are, what are we going to be commanding? What are we going to be telling the footstool on which our Lord and His members’ feet are resting? Will we, perhaps, deluge our congressmen and senators with e-mails telling them to vote against this bill or for that bill? If we hear from above to do so, yes. Will we become a part of the Tea Parties and come against the powers that be? The U.S. must, as with all other nations, become the kingdoms of the Lord and His anointed, and if we see these gatherings as having been done in the heavens to bring about the fall, then surely, those keys to the kingdom of heaven should be used. Whether of e-mails, letters, phone calls, meetings, or marches—what will be our voice? Enough of man’s dust has already been stirred up, so hopefully, it will not be that of the footstool; for we are truly not of this world. Although in the natural we may be citizens of the United States of America, Canada, England, Nigeria, The Philippines, Australia, etc., we are not of this world. Our true citizenship is of heavenly origin, and we should feel like strangers in a foreign land, at least a little. We are of the Kingdom of God, and our service wherever we are should be that of ambassadors, that is, unless we are sent as the spearhead of the Lord or something else. Therefore, whatever is the service to which we are assigned, that is what we should be about. Regardless of our calling, should we not be about our own true Nation's business rather than the world's?

Moreover, as shocking as it may seem, don't we know that those who rule in Washington, D.C. are vessels that have been ordained of God? And they will remain until they have fulfilled their course. Since we know this, we must be careful as to what spirit we say that might be contrary to what we see in those high places. If it is time for them to be removed, however, then let us not be silent nor turn a blind eye to what they do. When we hear let us speak, when we see let us do that which we see. In so doing, it will be the keys from the throne of our Father's heaven. It appears the hour of His judgments is to be seen upon this nation and the world, and if so, we may very well be witnessing the beginning stages of the Day of the Lord.

Let me ask some pointed questions while surveying this line of thought: What is our political persuasion? Is it that of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Independent Party, the Libertarian Party, or no Party? Are we Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Progressive, or don’t know? Since we are not of this world, although we may be registered one or the other, hopefully, we can spiritually say that we are none of the above. The world from which we hail is above. Our allegiance is to be of that world. It is the World of God! It is the Kingdom of God! We are spiritualized citizens of the United State of God that has its throne set in the heaven and is far above all heavens. It is from that throne all the kingdoms of the earth receive their authority and power as Paul wrote in Romans 13:1. To refresh our memories: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

Some of the Kingdom of God ambassadors might have a hard time with this. Frankly, there are times when I am disturbed at some of the outlandish things that this administration, along with those of the past, have done and have not done, and each administration has made things worse. On the natural plane, things are not looking good. We could say that the "hand basket to hell" has been woven and made ready; but even so, can’t we trust the One who ordained these corrupt powers to rule the "United" States of America, and also the powers of the rest of the world? Moreover, there were, no doubt, some who sat on the throne with Jesus Christ who spoke and released these powers, and most likely it was done in the confines of their humble homes. They had, no doubt, been given the same set of keys that had been given to Peter and the others.

There are various thoughts as to how those powerful keys are to be had; but one belief is that fasting is the way to take hold of them. Although there is merit in this, it is not a sure avenue to possess them. For instance, the following is from a wife whose husband just left her and his children:

"I'm desperate for an answer from God, but He is so quiet. Things actually got worse since I started this fast. I am beginning to believe that the fast I'm doing is worthless, and if anything, it has brought more problems."

Our hearts go out to this family and others who are suffering so greatly; but it is clear that the fast was not the keys to the Kingdom of heaven. If the truth were known, people can fast until they starve to death, and most likely, they will not receive that for which they fast. That is, not unless it has already been done in the heavens from where Kingdom authority and power comes. If it has already come to pass by the word from the throne of God, then fasting is great! It can be the very thing that opens the window of heaven so the accomplished work can be seen and then declared in the earth. Fasting and prayer can be very essential to binding and loosening things. However, we have seen that a great deal of fasting is nothing more than a hunger strike by which the fasters are trying to force God’s hand to get what they want. I remember a time as a young Christian that I went on a fast and was determined to not eat until my older brother and a cousin confessed Jesus as Lord and got saved. I prayed and prayed, and the hungrier and weaker I got the more I prayed. I pleaded, and then I finally begged God to save my brother and cousin, and also to save me from starvation; for I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer, and being a young man with a family, I really wasn’t ready to leave this world. Well, you might have guessed what happened. That’s right—nothing! I didn’t succumb to starvation, and my brother and cousin were not changed one iota. For that matter, they went their merry way while I laid in the ashes of defeat. Not only that, they both went to their graves thirty-five or so years later—unchanged.

You see, although I ignorantly thought there could have been no greater cause than to fast so God would snatch two good souls from the foreboding claims of hell, He ignored my hunger strike that now reminds me of a little boy holding his breath until Mommy or Daddy gives into what he wants. By losing the breath-holding hunger strike, I learned a very valuable lesson. I learned that most fasts are religious practices to get one’s own way, or to receive spiritual revelations that no one else has ever known. Each, of course, is for personal reasons and are not spirit-driven fasts. But people also fast to weaken their veil of flesh to hopefully gain spiritual ground and have greater communion with their Lord. This can also be for personal gain; but people of truth will desire the communion out of pure love, an unquenchable desire to be in the presence of Life Himself. This is very commendable by anyone’s standards or beliefs. However, such fasting is a confession that their Lord is not with them, that He has perhaps gone on a journey without them.

For instance, He said this when asked about fasting:

"Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast" Matthew 9:15.

Gathering from what Jesus said, it seems that this type of fasting was a result of sorrowing conditions, of heart-rending grief, the grief that He knew would soon be coming upon His disciples. This was when He was taken from them and crucified before their eyes. Their hope was crushed, their expectations of being in the vanguard of His new order of things was destroyed, they lost not only their Commander and Chief, but also their best friend. Who could desire to eat after such a travesty?

But we wonder if they fasted after he came back to them at Pentecost? For with Him being once again with them, actually IN THEM as he had promised (rf. John 14:17), their mourning certainly came to an end. This reunion with the Bridegroom became real after He returned from the dead. It was once again a time of great rejoicing which surely removed the remotest compulsion to fast.

The apostles, along with the the handful who were born of Him in His Holy House on the day of Pentecost, as well as the 5000, and then more, may not have often fasted. But perhaps they did when it seemed that their heaven was brass, and His presence was nowhere to be found; for out of such dire, spiritual conditions, fasting can be common. I remember a time in my own life that I was overwhelmed with depression, that there was nothing in me that desired to eat. Food was only consumed occasionally, and this was out of sheer necessity. Although I was seeking nothing from above other than to be freed from the horrible, abject darkness that I felt was sure to last forever, wonderful things came out of that deep pit of despair. Even so, as wonderful and as sweet as the fruit was that grew from that bitter soil of those horrid days, I would not chose to repeat it regardless of the potential rewards. I leave such executive decisions to my Lord.

Brethren, I am persuaded that every jot and tittle He establishes in our heavens will, and must be established in our earth. And this will come to pass as the keys to the Kingdom of heaven unlock it all in the earth.

Not only will we see and experience the holy sacrifice of the Sabbath in our heavens and in our lives, that is, the crucifixion of our Lord, the Lamb of Life, but also His resurrection that slaughters the quell of praise. With praises unto our God will be the embodiment of our risen Lord Jesus Christ in our lives. We will be dancing in the streets of our souls at the returning of the Ark of the covenant of our Lord.

The Philistines of our own worlds, like a grave, had taken Him. In the natural, they had held Him captive, secure and fast, so it had seemed. But as the record states, they were sorely smitten with, of all things, emerods (hemorrhoids). What an awkward price to pay for kidnapping the Ark that signified the Son of God. Yet they suffered a very just recompense for doing so. In the end, literally, the waste of what they had consumed proved to be their pain, their undoing, to say the least.

The Lord of lords, our Rest, the true Sabbath fulfilled cannot be stolen, taken for granted, nor passed off as a day of the week, a day that for many is more precious and holy than Jesus Himself. To do so is to join the ranks of old feasts days and lifeless rituals. And for anyone who claims to hold the keys of power to the Kingdom of heaven and attempts to subject the throne of God to their carnal sway will fail at every turn. Let us all shape up, for we certainly don’t want our gifts of God to be shipped out on the next ship to China; for that is the worth of both presumptions...cheaply made merchandise for those who do not see the Kingdom of God!

To be continued...

Elwin R. Roach

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