

There are different kinds of shepherds.  First we will speak of the biblical shepherds watching over their sheep.  The true shepherd walks among them, to get to know them, and for them to know him.  In the Holy Land you often would see a shepherd, or even a child, walking with sheep following, and that is because the sheep are being led to the slaughter.  The true loving and caring shepherd is everywhere, stays close to them all, and constantly watches over them.  His staff has a hook at one end to hook around the neck of a sheep that starts to wander off, and the other end is used to poke wild animals to keep the sheep safe.


Sometimes one will go astray, and when the shepherd has secured the others in a safe place, he will follow the sheep that has wandered off.  Eventually, the sheep will collapse from exhaustion and begin to bleat, and will continue to bleat until it eventually dies.  The shepherd will watch and listen for the right moment before total exhaustion, and then go and pick the sheep up, drape the sheep over the back of his neck, and nurse it back to health and strength.  At the same time he is talking to the sheep all the time, so it will completely know the sound of his voice and never stray again after he puts it back down with the other sheep.


When night falls, shepherds will corral their sheep and lay in front of the opening to protect them while they sleep, and keep them from walking off into the darkness.  When shepherds are gathering together by a campfire, and it’s time to go to sleep, they each make their own sounds and their sheep will follow him, because they know their shepherd’s voice.


The world has a shepherd system, but is completely different.  Most of the time those shepherds are up high, where they can't be seen, and if in front of the sheep, only where the sheep are just close enough to see him.  In front is a sign of pride and ego, being “high and lifted up,” and having no concern over the sheep, just about self, power, control, and having the largest following as possible.  A worldly shepherd walking behind the sheep is letting them go any direction they so choose, a shepherd that just doesn't care, and will lose most of them if not all to another worldly shepherd.  Often sheep receive the messages from a sent messenger.  And when the shepherds fellowship together, and at the end begin to go their own way, most of the sheep don’t know their shepherds voice, so the only way they can be separated is to ear mark them or brand them.  And along with helping to separate them and prevent any from going astray, the shepherds will send out their dogs to intimidate them, and bring them back into the fold.


It’s your decision which shepherd you will listen to and follow, but eventually, now that you have heard “The Message of Truth,” I trust you will follow the Lord.  If not, and you totally reject His calling and go back to one of the worldly folds, you will go back with an earmark or a brand.  If you choose to follow the “Lord,” you must get to know your shepherd, and the sound of His voice.  You can hear God's voice, but it is “a still small voice” deep down inside in your gut, your midriff, not up in your intellect, or in your upper chest area of your soul realm, which is your emotions and affections, and the voice most people have been listening to all of their lives.  The worldly shepherds control you and get you to follow them through your mind and emotions.  The Lord guides and directs you through your spirit, separated from the intellect and the emotions by the “Double-edged sword of the spirit, the Word of God, Christ Jesus.”


“God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”


Love Eternal in Christ,

Darlene Luke


PO Box 1883

Bethany, OK 73008-1883
